Saturday, September 22, 2012

5th night in the hospital

God has been so good to me the past week.  Every day in the hospital, I've seen evidence of His providence and mercy.  You want to know what made my day yesterday? :)  I found out that Brian, a medical student that has been seeing me everyday for his neurology rotation, loves the Lord! :)  Isn't that so cool?  It's a small world for sure because he goes to Solid Rock like my brother!  And, when we showed a pic of my bro, Brian told us he's met him a couple times!  He also teaches the same little kids' Sunday school as my brother (but a different Sunday)!  Haha! :D

He told me he's praying for me and that he prays for his "patients" every night!  Feeling so blessed by him!  Pictures to come soon once I get home. :)

So Thursday, I had that spinal tap!  And now I'm waiting for results..  Yesterday morning, I woke up with a new and very severe headache in a different area of my brain.  The doctors came to the conclusion that this isn't from the spinal tap, so this now adds to my mysterious case..  The inpatient pain service has been seeing me everyday because of all the pain, and I'm so thankful.  I got hooked up to a magnesium IV drip, and the doctor also has been giving me a daily dose of toradol through the IV.  It has helped immensely!

I was supposed to see the genetics team today, but for some reason, they never showed up..  So I don't know how much longer I'll be at the hospital.

Been praying for a young girl in a room close to me.  She has cystic fibrosis, and basically all day yesterday, she was throwing up continually. :(  I could hear her crying and weeping, and my heart goes out to her.  Could you please pray with me for her?

Staying in the hospital really brings one up close to all the suffering there is in the world.  My heart longs for the day when there will be no more pain and no more tears!  There will be no more genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome! :)

Longing for Heaven,


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