Thursday, April 25, 2013

Home sweet home!

We've been back in Oregon for 5 days now.  Can't believe how fast the time has gone!  What an incredible trip it was!!  I'm already missing Cincinnati.  It really is a nice city!  And Cincinnati Children's  The doctors I saw were so helpful and knowledgeable.  I thank God continually for these doctors who are exploring even further what's causing all my symptoms.  When they told that they think I have a mitochondrial disease, all I experienced...was...relief.  I know it's a pretty scary diagnosis (feel free to google is a great site :) and I don't know what's ahead at all, but finally having some answers after waiting more than 7 months makes me glad!

Since Monday, my right eyelid has been starting to droop just like my left. :(  Don't like how they feel!  I guess going to Ohio was a little too much for my eye muscles. haha ;)

Yesterday, I started physical therapy again.  I have to try and walk up and down our long flight of stairs once a day, using both feet and not just my right.  My left leg shakes terribly!  These past few days, I've also been researching inpatient rehab programs (not necessarily "pain rehabilitation" but more of a program that can address all my symptoms).  We're looking for one closer to home, and I found one at Seattle Children's Hospital which is the sixth best children's hospital in the nation! :)  I emailed them, and the attending physician who directs the rehab program wants to have a phone conversation with me next week!

Here are some pictures of our visit to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.  It is a really nice memorial!


Ku Klux Klan robe

a surgeon's tools

this amazing bridge is across from the museum!

Up next: pictures of our visit to the Creation Museum! :D

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