Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So Blessed

Thank you so much, everyone, for your constant prayers and love!!!  I seriously don't know what I'd do without you guys. <3  Reading all your facebook posts and messages and your comments on my blog is super encouraging to me and I thank God for each of you.

My pain dr. spent a lot of time with me this morning.  So thankful for him.  He prescribed me a sedative so that I can sleep better, and he already put the order in to have my stimulator removed.  BUT, he's not gonna do it until he can get a hold of my neurologist.    He's really trying to find an alternative way to come to a diagnosis because if he removes my SCS, I may never be able to have another one implanted because of the possibility that insurance won't cover it.  Even if they did, a second stimulator may not work as well because of scar tissue in my spine.  So I really understand why he doesn't want to remove it.

In addition to everything else, I'm also dealing with something called myoclonus.  When I lie still or don't move, random muscles of my body jerk.  I haven't really eaten since Monday morning.  I'm now 82 lbs., so it's probably time to pull out my size 10 girls' jeans that my mom and dad bought for me last week.  I'm very amused about that cuz I'm 20 years old.. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kerissa!
    I am so encouraged by your strength during this hard time. I pray that I would be able to be as strong as you when difficulties come my way! Thank you so much for what an incredible blessing you are to your family friends, and everyone who has the privilege of knowing you. I don't know you too well, but from what I do know has made me conclude that I want to be just like you when I grow up :) I can't even imagine what an incredible witness you are to the doctors and nurses that take care of you. You're attitude I'm sure just impacts them so deeply. I will be praying for you so much dear! Many blessings,
    Marissa Osswald
