Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yesterday's Appointment

Had a great appointment with my pain dr. yesterday! :)  As far as the blood work goes, he's concerned about my vitamin levels.  My B6 level is high, and that's not good because he said elevated B6 can cause nerve damage/pain...  He wants me to contact my primary care dr. and see what's causing this.  The nurse told me to come in and see her, so I have an appt. on June 4th!  Praying this is nothing serious..  Other than that, we're happy the new med is working great and I don't have to increase the dose because my pain level is an average of 3-5 on a scale of one to ten! :)  Next time I see my pain dr., I'll also be seeing one of my St. Jude Medical reps.  My dr. wants him to check the implanted leads/device and add new programs to change things up a bit so that my brain/spinal cord doesn't get used to the stimulation!  That's funny. :D  Not too much else going on.  Still have physical therapy every week, and I'm also trying to decide if I should have genetic testing done (ordered by my rheumatologist) to rule out EDS type IV which is one of the most serious.  I will let you know what happens after I see my primary care doctor!  Stay tuned!

P.S. Just want to give a shout out to my mom! :)  Today's her birthday!  Thank you, Mom, for always being there for me.  I'm so blessed to have you take me to my tons of appointments every week, pick up my regular medications, and help me do the big and little things that are hard for me to do myself, even things like washing my hair brush, peeling/cutting my fruit, or getting the cereal for me in the morning because I'm too short to reach the high cabinet... ;)  Happy birthday, Mom!  I love you!

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