Friday, August 1, 2014


On Wednesday, I had a bilateral lumbar sympathetic nerve block, and the best news of all---it was a successful block. =)  I'm so so thankful to the Lord for this pain relief!  Within minutes, my pain went from 8 to 0 on a pain scale of one to ten!  My legs and feet still feel amazing.  Nerve blocks are temporary, but my pain dr. used a combination of meds to try and make the pain relief last as long as possible!

My neuro-ophthalmology and spine follow-ups this past week went well.  As I mentioned before, my left eye can't move to the left at all, but the movement in my right eye is still intact which is great news since that can change quickly..  The spinal curvature is stable as well, so I only need to see my spine dr. on an as-needed basis! :)  The day of my J-tube surgery next Thursday, he wants his assistant to send him an email to remind him that I'm having surgery because he wants to try and visit me on Friday if he has a chunk of free time.  He's so sweet!

I finally figured out why I've been dealing with bad insomnia at night.  The mito specialist started me on a high-dose antioxidant which I'm supposed to take twice a day.  And one of the side effects is insomnia!  So because of that, my sleep dr. is starting me on a "non-habit forming" sleep med.  I hope it helps---not getting enough sleep has been aggravating all my GI symptoms.

I've been losing more muscle in my legs, too.  It's hard to see them getting smaller and balance is more affected as well, so my physical therapist is having me start using Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) to try and slow the muscle atrophy.  I'm so blessed to have such dedicated therapists work with me every week.

This coming Tuesday is my pre-op appointment, and Wednesday we'll receive the call when the J-tube surgery is on Thursday (8/7).  The surgery will be laparoscopic with many small incisions.  The surgeons are going to fill my abdomen with co2 to see better...sounds uncomfortable! ;)

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support as I start another part of this journey!

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