Thursday, October 10, 2013

Medical Updates

This past Friday, I had a follow-up with Dr. F, my neuro-ophthalmologist.  She's so so sweet!  The external ophthalmoplegia (weakness/paralysis of the eye muscles) in my left eye is stable at the moment which is great news! :)  For those who don't know, my left eyeball can't look to the left very well at all which isn't much fun...but there's not a lot that can be done for treatment, so she just wants to keep monitoring it.
I still get nystagmus (fast, uncontrollable movements of the eyes) every now and then, but thankfully, I can keep it at bay as long as the migraines aren't too bad and I get adequate sleep. :)

For 3 weeks now, I've been having horrible spine pain, and I have no clue what started it.  So my physical medicine dr. squeezed me in today.  So grateful!  He ordered two x-rays of my thoracolumbar spine, and the images show that I have some multilevel degenerative disk disease.  One problem after another...I sure feel older than ;)  The spine pain may also be from the underlying mitochondrial and/or neuromuscular disorder.  So Dr. C ordered more physical therapy, and I have a follow-up with him in 3 and a 1/2 weeks.  If things are no better by that point, then he'll possibly order more imaging studies like an MRI.

This coming Wednesday is my spinal tap at 8 AM!  I'd appreciate your prayers!  My pain dr. told me I'm at increased risk for a post-dural puncture headache, so we'll see how bad it is the second time around..  Thank you all for your continued love and support! :)

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